Interfaith Jerusalem
Earlier in January, with Mejdi Tours, I had the pleasure of guiding a wonderful group of students from Susquenna University in...

Winter Break
After a very hectic Hannukah/Christmas period, I'm off for a few days relaxation in the desert. Over the past month I've had the pleasure...

Closing the Gates
Since the 12th century, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has been opened in the morning and closed at night by two Muslim families. This...

Israeli and Palestinian Guides Together
Another post about the good people at Tiyul-Rihla. Early last month, I took part in a special two day seminar for Israeli and Palestinian...

Guiding For Peace
Ten days ago, in collaboration with Tiyul-Rihla, I had the pleasure of guiding 70 children from Kids For Peace on a unique tour around...

Jerusalem's Hidden Corners
Once a year, to keep his/her license, every tour guide needs to go on a tour. More specialized than a regular tour, these can often be...

Till We Have Built (A New) Jerusalem
I'm back from my travels and I've got a new open tour ready! Friday 9th September, 9AM: Based on the fascinating new book by Adina...

Time for a Break...
High season has come to an end, and I'm off to Italy with Merav to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday. It's been a brilliant and busy...

The Real Temple of Augustus
It's been a very busy summer of guiding, so not so much time to update the blog. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of guiding a group...

Back in the Land
I'm back in Israel following an excellent two weeks of traveling with my wife. We visited a good friend in Barcelona, family in London,...